אפשרויות גישה ושיוך לתפקיד בקורס

1020400601 - Advanced Cyber TechnologiesThe course does not assume a technology background; however it is technological in its essence. The goal is to provide an overview of the technology aspects of the cyber world and its various components without going into deep math.
We will cover a wide range of topics and specializations including: understanding of the main security objectives and the need for defending computerized systems, fundamental cryptography, computer structure and communication networks, as well as, their limitations and vulnerabilities.
The course gives a holistic knowledge of the internet, it’s evolvement, its operational model, and its future.
Special focus will be given to the web network, and its inherent dangers, the use of crypto within distributed Ledger technology, as well as to common attacks, attack infrastructures, and defense (protocols and tools).

אורחים אינם יכולים לגשת לקורס זה, יש לבצע זיהוי למערכת לשם צפיה בעמוד זה.