
The test of the kinetic molecular theory (KMT) and its postulates is its ability to explain and describe the behavior of a gas. The various gas laws (Boyle’s, Charles’s, Gay-Lussac’s, Avogadro’s, and Dalton’s laws) can be derived from the assumptions of the KMT, which have led chemists to believe that the assumptions of the theory accurately represent the properties of gas molecules.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory Explains the Behavior of Gases

Recalling that gas pressure is exerted by rapidly moving gas molecules and depends directly on the number of molecules hitting a unit area of the wall per unit of time, the KMT conceptually explains the behavior of a gas as follows:

This text is adapted from Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 9.5: The Kinetic-Molecular Theory.


The observations of different gas properties, as expressed by the various gas laws derived by Boyle, Charles, Gay-Lussac, and Avogadro, follow conceptually from kinetic molecular theory.

The pressure exerted by a gas results from the impact of constantly moving particles on the walls of its container.

Decreasing the volume of the container, while keeping the number of moles and temperature constant, brings the gas particles closer together, reducing their interparticle spacing.

In this smaller volume, the density of the gas and collision frequency — the frequency of molecule-wall collisions — increases. Therefore, the pressure exerted by the gas increases. The inverse relationship between pressure and volume is given by Boyle’s law.  

Adding more moles of gas to the container at constant temperature increases the gas density, and hence, the collision frequency. 

To maintain the initial pressure, the volume must expand. This direct relationship between volume and moles is given by Avogadro’s law. 

Now, consider the number of moles is kept constant and the temperature is raised. Because the average kinetic energy of gas particles increases proportionally with temperature, the particles collide more frequently and forcefully.

If the volume is held constant while the temperature is increased, the density of the gas and the collision frequency increases, and hence the pressure will also increase. The direct relationship between pressure and temperature is given by Gay-Lussac’s law. 

If, on the other hand, the pressure must remain constant along with a constant number of moles, then a rise in temperature must be accompanied by an increase in volume to spread the collisions out over a greater surface area. This direct relationship between volume and temperature is given by Charles’s law. 

Finally, according to kinetic molecular theory, gas particles do not attract or repel one another. In a mixture of different gases, the components act independently and their individual pressures remain unaffected by the presence of another gas. 

The total pressure of the mixture is, therefore, the sum of individual partial pressures. This is Dalton’s law.